Carlsbad Unified School District

Monday, September 6, 2010

Personnel Performance Success Indicator

10: As a strategy to reduce the number of employee discipline incidents by 10%, provide targeted support, interventions and training for identified personnel including classified, certificated, and administrative staff. 

Status: Met.

Facilities and Safety Success Indicators

9a: By June 2010, the School Board will have received three positive quarterly reports from the Proposition P Citizen's Oversight Committee:

Status: Met.

9b: The number of drug and alcohol-related incidents per 1000 students in grades 6-12 will decrease to 2.5 (2009-2010).

As a strategy to achieve this target, the following components will be implemented:
  • K-12 Prevention Curriculum
  • Community Involvement Plan
  • Intervention Continuum
  • Student Study Team Meetings
Status: Success Indicator regarding number of incidents was not met.  Strategies were implemented as intended. 

Career and College Readiness Success Indicators

The percentage of CUSD graduates that have successfully completed A-G requirements will increase as follows:
  • 2008: 59%
  • 2009: 65%
  • 2010: 70%
  • 2011: 75%
  • 2012: 80%
  • 2013: 85%
  • 2014: 90%
As a strategy to achieve these targets, CUSD will complete a comprehensive audit through Ed Trust West by June 2010.

Status: Not Met in 2010.  Strategy to complete comprehensive audit was completed but A-G completion rate declined from 59% to 53%. 

Professional Learning Communities: Assessment Success Indicators

7a: 95% of teachers in grades K-8 will demonstrate evidence in quarterly conferences and/or observations of instructional adjustments made as a result of benchmark data analysis.

Status: Not met.  Evidence exists to indicate that some adjustments were made but we are not able to substantiate that we have met the 95% target. 

Additional Data Director resources have been compiled to assist staff in using information to guide instructional adjustments. 

7b: 95% of students in grades 9-12 will complete two CUSD Benchmark Assessments in ELA, Math, Social Studies, Science, World Language, and PE with results entered into the Data Director system.

Status: Not met for ELA, Math, Social Studies, or Science.  Target met in Physical Education and World Language.

Professional Learning Communities: Collaboration Success Indicators

6a: Between August 2009 and June 2010, 100% of school site webpages and 100% of teacher webpages in School Loop will have been updated at least 40 times.

Status: Not met.

Principal Catina Hancock discusses School Loop at the Middle School level. 

6b: By June 2010, an integrated districtwide portal system will be implemented to improve communication.  Portal components will include emails, calendars, blogs, feeds, dashboards, and other components.

Status: Not met.

Whole Child Success Indicator

By June 2010, authentic assessment rubrices and directions for performance-based assignments in the following areas would be distributed to appropriate grade levels/departments for grades K-12:
  • World Language Offerings
  • Health
  • Technology
  • VAPA
  • Service Learning
By June 2011, 95% of students will complete one performance-based assignment in grades K-12 with results entered into the Data Director system.

Status: Met.

Additional Presentations for VAPA and Service Learning are available in Public Folders

Advanced Placement Success Indicators

4a: The percentage of 10th-12th grade students enrolled in at least one AP or community college course will increase from 30% (2008-09) to 35% (2009-10).

Status: Not met.

4b: The percentage of AP exam scores at "3" or higher will be at least 70% (2008-09).

Status: Met.  78% of AP exam scores were "3" or higher.

For more details on AP results, check out Assistant Principal Bill Lord's review of the data. 

Physical Fitness Success Indicator

3: The percentageof 9th grade students that score in the Healthy Fitness Zone in at least five of six areas on the Physical Fitness Test will increase from 82.6% (2007-08) to 90% (2008-09).

Status: Not met. 84.7% of 9th grade students scored in HFZ on at least five of six areas.

English Language Arts Success Indicator

2: The percentage of students scoring Proficient or above on the ELA CST will be at least 56.4% districtwide, by school, and by subgroup.

Status: Not met.

Carlsbad Unified Adequate Yearly Progress Report
Carlsbad Unified Adequate Yearly Progress Chart
Carlsbad Unified Adequate Yearly Progress By School

Mathematics Success Indicators

1a: The percentage of students scoring Proficient or above on the mathematics CST will be at least 56.4% districtwide, by school, and by subgroup.

Status: Not met.

Carlsbad Unified Adequate Yearly Progress Report
Carlsbad Unified Adequate Yearly Progress Chart
Carlsbad Unified Adequate Yearly Progress By School

1b: 95% of 8th grade students will be enrolled in Algebra or above.

Status: Met. 88.4% of 8th grade students were enrolled in Algebra and 6.7% were enrolled in Geometry for a total of 95.1%.

1c: The percentage of 8th grade students scoring basic or above on the Algebra CST will remain at least 90%.

Status: Not met. 15% scored Below Basic and 4% scored Far Below Basic.